Two of a Kind = One Pair
Thank you to everyone who wished me well during my migraine episode! I really appreciated every single, kind comment. I have been headache free since Friday morning. This means that Sunday I was able to accomplish this:
Lately, everywhere I look on the knitting blogs it’s single sock, single sock, single sock. I dabble in multiple pairs on the needles at once, but I had to finish this pair. This was the last WIP knit with my old tensioning (yarn across palm, over the top and all the way around my hand back across palm to wrap around my left index finger clockwise, looking down the tip). New tensioning is from back of left hand to palm between ring and pinkie, around pinkie and over back of pinkie and ring, under middle, over index–so coming ccw over index finger. People have asked, so there it is.
Anyway, these socks are the first variation of my planned series of variations of Nancy Bush’s Rib and Cable Sock from IK Fall 05. This is not the rib and cable sock in Favorite Socks. Here I did a 6-stitch braided cable.
Pattern: just stated above
Yarn: Tofutsies
Needles: Takumi bamboo 2.25 mm (US 1) dpns
Variations: After CO of 66-st with longtail CO holding the yarn doubled, knit with single yarn the following rib pattern for 15 rounds: *K1, P2, K6, P2*
Then started the braided cable over the K6, which has a four row repeat:
Rows 1&3: Rib Pattern above
Row 2: *K1, P2, K2, C4B, P2*
Row 4: *K1, P2, C4F, K2, P2*
Split for the heel flap so instep would be 3 repeats + 1 Knit stitch of 4th repeat (34 stitches), then worked heel flap in rib, but added a seam stitch in the middle of the middle 6-stitch K6 (now K3, P1, K3 on RS), and changed the P2 at each end to garter stitch (33 stitches). After 32 rows (16 garter ridges along the edge) turned a round or French heel from Vintage Socks. Picked up 16 stitches on each side for gussets and decreased every third round to 62 stitches. At the end of gusset decreases I stopped the braided cable on the instep and switched back to the rib. Plain ordinary grafted toe. Tofutsies is splitty and nasty for grafting. That’s the recipe. A lot of you have left comments in previous posts for these socks saying you had to knit the pattern. Well, there isn’t really a pattern. I hope this little travesty of a knitting recipe helps.
My other socks on the needles, are coming along. The pennant stitch socks are for a Christmas gift, and it is JUNE, so the impetus to finish is lacking. The Oak Ribbed Socks with more and more mods with every round I make, is at the gusset decreases for the first sock. I meant to change to smaller needles but forgot, so now it’s decrease every other round? or every third round? I guess this means it’s time to cast-on for the second variation of the cable rib sock extravaganza taking place here at Molecular Knitting! It’s Black Bunny Fibers merino sock yarn and an “archaic” cable from Barbara Walker’s first treasury with a beaded rib.
Finish Christmas gift socks first? You’ve got to be kidding!
If you get a chance, will you post pic’s depicting the different holds for tensioning that you’re trying to describe? I’d love to see them.
Glad you’re feeling better!
I just got your comment on my blog. Thanks! Are you up late, too? My email is Ruth AT 5elementknitr DOT com.
Brenda- Now that National Headache week is over, we can get onto more important business.
Those socks are works of art. Lovely.
The socks are absolutely beautiful. I might try that recipe sometime! Glad to hear the migraines are gone.
They turned out really well! And I’m glad to hear your head is feeling better.
Those are very pretty socks. Think it would drive me nuts to do all that detail work on TOFUtsies. Maybe it was the color of mine… glad your headaches are gone. I can certainly sympathize. (sp) My month-long sinus headache is gone, too.
I’m so glad you’re feeling better. Sorry you didn’t want to join in on the single sock thing, but I understand
The pink socks are very lovely!
Such pretty socks!
I am glad your migraines have subsided. I used to get imitrex resistant migraines all the time. The other medicine my doctor gave me after that just made me sick. Stupid migraines. But definately not stupid socks, even though they are pink
they are truly fantastic!
Pretty pink cablely socks. They look great! I hate migraines, well headaches in general but migraines are the worst. Glad you’re feeling better.
I really like your variation on the Rib and Cable. Can’t wait to see future versions!
Oooh, that’s a neat cable pattern! Variations are always fun when they work out so nicely as that.
Did you like working with the Tofutsies? I have periodic issues with my ball of it.
The socks are marvelous! Glad you’re feeling better.
Glad you are headache free. I suffer from migraines too, Imitrex is my best friend some days. Lovely socks. I like that pink TOFUtsies.
Those socks are beautiful. I love them!
Glad to here you are feeling better.
It’s great to hear you’re feeling better! There is no worse feeling…
And thanks for the sock recipe! I may give it a try with a less splitty yarn…and toe up.
The socks are so pretty! The heel looks really interesting. I’ll have to give these a try soon!
Beautiful socks! Not sure I really got the tensioning difference, but now I feel the need to analyze my method and see if I can improve it. I’m glad the headaches have gone.
Oh, wow, these socks are bee-you-tee-ful!
I really like the way you set up the toe. This looks more comfortable. 
Oh looking at you trying to suppress us…rubbing your duplicate socks in our faces.
They look great.
Beautiful socks! I can see why you had to have two of them. The Club isn’t for the faint of heart (or cold feeted).
Your pink socks are lovely. Thanks for documenting your pattern! I hope you have time to photo-ize your tensioning methods. I would like to learn left-handed yarn-holding and every little tip, written and visual, helps.