Kitty No. 34 Speaks!

Kitty No. 34
Hello, I’m Kitty No. 34. I’m here to distract you from the fact that Brenda doesn’t have any real knitting progress to show you. Something about hot, dry August weather, blah, blah. blah. Now back to me. No, No. 34 isn’t my real name. I just live at unit 34. My people there got me to rid them of some mice. I killed 7 mice and 1 rat the first day I was there! Then they named me Cissy. Really, people? Cissy? 7 mice and 1 rat in 24 hours. Cissy. Sheesh!
Kitty No. 34: mittens
Yes, I am very pretty with my tabby stripes, white bib, socks and mittens. I visit Brenda and M at their place, which is No. 30, because their grill makes it easy for me to get on the roof. They also live next to Unit No. 29, which has a nectarine tree and a peach tree. It also has college student tenants who don’t know to pick the fruit and let it fall to the ground. Rats like that. I like rats.

I killed a young rat during one of Brenda and M’s dinner parties (M had trapped the mother the day before). They and their guests were enjoying coffee and dessert out on the patio. They wondered why I ignored them and was so intent on the corner of their deck. Humans are stupid. I heard a rat, and I waited for it to come out from under the deck. When it did, in less time then it takes to say “one hippopotamus” I had killed it. One pounce and a little squeal from the rat and it was all over–for the rat that is. I trotted to the fence with my treat, jumped it (It’s over a 5 foot jump, and I’m about a 10 inches at the shoulder. Yes, I am spectacular.) and was over the top. I heard applause as I went over. I deserved them, of course.
Kitty No. 34: walking
Well, I’m outta here. I have vermin to kill. I’m Kitty No. 34, and that’s my story.

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