Progress Report: Frost Diamonds and Seussian Vine Scarf

My Frost Diamonds shawl in BMFA BFL Sport in the Corvid colorway has two repeats of Chart B done, so I am supposed to do the 8 rows of edging now. This is 1/4 of the shawl, which is shaped like a pentagon with one triangular fifth removed.
Frost Diamonds: 2 repeats of B
It’s too small I think (20 inches stretched dry along the increase lines), so I am going to do another repeat of B. I have enough yarn. Remember the giant ball of yarn? It’s now down to the size of a 400+ yd skein of sock yarn; I’ve used about 60% of it. I have a second skein too.
Frost Diamonds: yarn usage
Now that I finally understand how chart B creates the diamonds, I am doing pretty well on this. I did put in a lifeline after having to rip back twice screwing up the transition into chart B. Super glide dental floss is a BAD, BAD choice for a lifeline. It’s all slippery and curly; I don’t like it for dental floss either. Stitch markers to mark the middle stitch of each repeat keep everything straight.

I think this pattern is looking great in the Corvid, and I LOVE THIS YARN!
Frost Diamonds: detail

I have a new dark green rain coat, which goes well with some Mini Mochi I bought. Bowerbird Knits had a lovely scarf knit in some Zauberball Yarn, and I liked the look. I also knew the stitch pattern, and I even had it marked with a post-it in Barbara Walker #1, so I made a chart for the lace and cast on. The lace pattern combined with the colors reminds me of Dr. Seuss, so I’m calling it my Seussian Vine Scarf:
Seussian Vine Scarf: WIP
I have a 2-stitch garter edge on each side which is folding under, and I am hoping I will be able to block it that way and keep the side undulations. We’ll see.

Goodness, it nearly the cocktail hour! I must dash. Last night M and I had a Delmonico’s No. 1. I really like it; M is more ambivalent. He’s not much of a gin drinker, but I try not to hold that against him. šŸ˜‰

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