Things I’ve Got

I’ve got a brand new yarn bowl! (This line can be sung to the melody of “I’ve got a golden ticket!” from the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie, and it can make you very happy. However, I don’t recommend singing this in front of a non-knitter spouse.)
Yarn Bowl
I bought this from the Knit Witch. I got the idea from Cristi, who is constantly flaunting her yarn bowls on her blog, Turtlegirl’s Bloggy Thing. When I started knitting with the giant ball of Corvid BFL Sport, I knew I needed some yarn management, and this yarn bowl works wonderfully! I am so pleased I used a little Christmas money to buy it. It’s a beautiful blue inside!
Yarn bowl: interior
And speaking of Cristi influences, she knits gorgeous socks, especially with Blue Moon Fiber Arts Socks That Rock sock yarn. So naturally I had to get some. And now I’ve got my first pair of 2010 socks.
2010 January Socks

January 2010 socks
That’s Mediumweight STR in Faulty Dyer, which is a quirky but happy colorway. There’s an odd bit of green, but I love the warm yellow and the coral with the dark burgundy. I made this “pattern” up at 56-st for the leg and 52 for the foot on US 2 needles. It’s a simple P2,K2,P1,K2 rib and an Eye of Partridge heel flap.
2009 was not a banner sock year. I knit only 5 pairs last year for myself, and I had 3 old pairs bite the dust. AND my wonderful Gothic Rose Embossed Leaves got a big HOLE in the cuff the first time I put them on to actually wear (I have to fix this, but we’ll discuss that another time). So in 2009 I gained one pair of socks. I’ve had to buy socks at Target. The shame! Plus I don’t like them very much.

This year, I want a new pair each month! I have three singles, so my plan is to start with those. As soon as I get the month’s sock done, I can knit on whatever other socks I want for the rest of that month. I hope then each month, I only have a single sock that has to get knit to get a new pair. We’ll see how it goes, but February is off to a good start, because I’ve got half the cuff done on the second Retro Rib Sock in Knit Picks Essential Tweed in Oxblood blue.
WIP: Retro Rib Socks
Knit on!

8 thoughts on “Things I’ve Got”

  • I think this is a great goal for the year. I understand your sock predicament, as some of my socks are showing wear now. That tweedy yarn looks great in socks!

    What a pretty yarn bowl!

  • That bowl is very cool! Alas, Mayhem would treat it as a yarn snack bowl…

    Your STR socks are great! I’m impressed at the absolutely minimum amount of pooling you had.

  • Cool bowl! That wouldn’t work in our house with the little one pulling things off tables and such. Maybe when she gets a little older?

    I love the socks! The first pair is unique fun color combo and the second pair look very tweedy and warm.

  • That bowl has turned my head!! Oh I totally know what I’m asking for this year for my birthday.

    LOOOVE the socks! A new pair each month is do-able, right? I always thought so but never accomplished it, so: Go, Brenda, Go!

  • Excellent goal!!! I said I wasn’t going to knit as many this year, and I’m already on the second pair…they’re so darned easy to carry along and knit on wherever!

    I LOVE your bowl, it’s beautiful!!
    . . . and now? I think I need one.
    Thanks for the enabling!

  • I took a ceramics class years ago at the local community college. I should take it again just so I can make a bunch of these yarn bowls. How lovely is that green glaze!

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