Week in Photos

The past week has had its share of highs and lows. The big low is that I have been somewhat sick with something. It’s a respiratory-digestive crud. Dr. M prescribed a Benton Park Swizzle for what ailed me. It’s much like a mojito except it has a float of Fernet Branca. Fernet Branca is a  Italian digestivo amaro or digestive bitter. I didn’t think it was that bitter straight; it did have a eucalyptus taste. I don’t think it made me better but rather made me care less that I was sick. It is a pretty drink:
Benton Park Swizzle
Due to aforementioned crud, I only got my March sock barely started. It’s the second Roger sock. I love BFL wool for sock yarn.
Second Roger Sock: WIP
M found morel mushrooms growing in our oregano. After an internet study, he claims these are real morels and not poisonous. If you never here from me again, you will know he was wrong, or he has “done me in.”
morels in the oregano
I bought two lovely bunches of dutch iris at the Sacramento Farmer’s Market Sunday morning. And my gerbera daisy is in bloom.
Dutch Iris: 03-07-10
Gerbera Daisy: 03-07-10
And the best thing this past week was that I won a skein of Wollmeise from The Loopy Ewe! I’m thinking a shawl, as the yarn is quite fine, although it looks pretty durable so socks are an option if I’m in the mood for tiny needles. The color is Rhabarber, which is German for rhubarb. Very aptly named in my opinion. I’m delighted to have won!
Wollmeise: prize from the Loopy Ewe
Wollmeise: Rhabarber
I hope this coming week is less crud and more knitting.
Have a great week!

14 thoughts on “Week in Photos”

  • Hope you feel better soon! I’m struggling through my semi-annual bronchitis so have much sympathy. Love the yarn, and yes, it really does look like “rhubaber”. Gorgeous!

  • One day I shall score a skein of Wollmeise! Hopefully! :o) Hope you’re feeling better…the flowers looks wonderful! I’m ready for spring!

  • I do hope we hear from you again! Tho’ they certainly look like morels!
    LOVE the yarn…oh my Rhubarb!
    Take good care of yourself.

  • Not feeling well? Here, have a drink! LOL! M and Hubster would get along great! 😉

    Hope you feel better soon, and congrats on the Wollmeise win!

  • Gorgeous yarn you won! You should go check out the pooling stoles from Wollmeise at Yarn Floozies – they are AMAZING.

    Hope you feel better soon… and I’m crossing my fingers about the mushrooms…

  • I hope you feel better soon. 🙁 We’ve suffered lots of illness this past year, so I feel your pain. Lovely drink and flowers. It’s making me thirsty for a real cocktail (not just a splash of rum in my glass of coke). I agree that it is a great name for that yarn. How pretty!

  • I hope you’re feeling better! That drink looks like a wonderful thing to try when being sick or healthy.

    Beautiful flowers, and congrats on winning the Wollmeise! It’s great yarn.

  • Oh, good for you for winning! That’s beautiful stuff alright.

    I hope you’re feeling a bit better! Crud is a bummer… 🙁

    If I had seen those mushrooms in my garden, I’d have had nightmares.

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