What to do when alone and a little bit lonely…

At 4:20 a.m. this morning, M boarded the airport shuttle and flew to Keystone, Colorado for a conference. I’ll pick him up Friday around 5:00 p.m. This gives me quite a bit more free time than I am used to. Plus, Friday is a university holiday, Cesar Chavez Day, so I can stay home without taking any vacation time. I’ve been thinking what I would like to do during that free time, and this is what I’ve come up with.

Finish my March pair of socks, Roger, by Anne Hanson of Knitspot.
Roger Socks: mid-March progress
I noticed that the Yarn Harlot has already finished an entire pair of Roger socks for her March socks. I’m just going to assume that I got more biochemistry experiments done than she has done so far this month. πŸ˜‰

I would also like to get my Frost Diamonds shawl done, which currently photographs like a big lump. I still have 56 g left in my first skein! I’m half way through a third repeat of the main chart. It takes me nearly an hour to do two rows. I’ve got about 10 hours before the bind off.
Frost Diamonds: lump

Now that M is not in his office for a few days, I’d like to get my shawlette, fleck stitch version of the Frost Diamonds shawl blocked on its vast floorspace. I may have forgotten that I knit this for a few months weeks.
Fleck Stich shawl: pre-blocking

Finally, I want to get this sweater I bought, which fits me nearly perfectly, measured so I can use Ann Budd’s The Knitter’s Handy Book of Sweater Patterns to design and knit a different version with a simple stitch pattern from Annie Maloney with this Venezia worsted I received as a Christmas present a couple years ago. The sweater has 3/4 sleeves and set-in sleeves and classic ribbing as edges. Very basic and wearable.
Sweater design plans

All this should keep me busy!

11 thoughts on “What to do when alone and a little bit lonely…”

  • Sorry you’ll be lonely, but i hope you enjoy the alone time, too πŸ™‚ I feel the same way when David travels. It looks like you’ve got some great projects planned!

  • Wow, that’s an ambitious plan! I can’t wait to see what you get done. My progress is much more snail-like, but in my defense I don’t have any alone time, ever. πŸ˜‰

  • I’m willing to bet you’re right about the biochemistry experiments!

    Your shawl is one of the most beautiful lumps I’ve ever seen. πŸ™‚

  • Hopefully all that filled the time up!

    Are those blocking boards? I may need to get some of those, now that we have a real guest bed that we actually want to keep nice (as opposed to the fugly daybed we had before and didn’t give a crap about and was perfect for blocking).

  • I find a few days on my own. . . rejuvenating! Looks like you’ve got a lot of great ideas for how to spend your time alone. I’m sure the time will fly.

  • Well, you’ve certainly got gorgeous stuff to keep you company!!! And I suspect you’re right – you’ve done more scientific experiments than YH!!!

  • I loved weekends alone with my knitting and a new TV series on DVD when Hubby went away. It looks like you’ll have some great things accomplished when it’s over!

  • I have a sweater I need to retire that I’m keeping around to do the same thing with. I need to get on that. I even have yarn that’s nearly identical to the original sweater!

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