One April Sock and a Nice Surprise

I’m already thinking about the socks I need to knit for Christmas gifts. I like to get them done early. Word back from last year’s gifts was that Berroco Sox proved unshrinkable in M’s grandmother’s laundry. I decided to order more, so I went shopping at The Loopy Ewe. I vaguely knew that they had a Loopy Groupie group, but I had no idea what that entailed. Apparently, with my new order, I now met the criteria. What a nice surprise on a Monday!
Loopy Groupie Bag
The Romney Ridge Farm thing you can see sticking up out to the red tissue paper is a sheep pin-up calendar. The April sheep is Pixie an Olde Babydoll Southdown-Columbia cross. She’s a cutie. I also received two sock patterns, candy, a stitch marker, the tote bag, and a gorgeous skein of sock yarn:
Batik Spice Fiber Optice Yarn
Fiber Optic Yarns, Foot Notes in Spice Batik

All this loot caused a conversation along these lines:
Me: Look at all I got!
M: Wow! You must have had to buy A LOT of yarn.
Me: Not so much! Just 2/3 of a dresser full. Over time.
M: *rolls his eyes* The Loopy Ewe people are good, smart business people. I wonder if they also own stock in IKEA or Rubbermaid storage bins…
Me: I made this order to purchase yarn to knit socks for YOUR MOTHER and GRANDMOTHER for Christmas.
M: Then why are there 5 skeins of yarn?
Me: To get free shipping!
M: *laughing* Very smart business people.

Now I just have to decide which yarn to go with which relative:
Christmas 2010 Sock Yarn

And what I want to knit for myself with these:
Madeline Tosh and Fiber Optic Sock Yarns
Madeline Tosh Sock in Jade and Fiber Optic Yarns, Foot Notes in Afternoon in Paris.

But first I have to finish my April pair of socks; I have one done:
Socks 2010: April: first sock

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