April Socks in June

Here they are, only six weeks late:
Pattern:Rib and Cables Socks by Nancy Bush (IK,Fall 2005)
Yarn:Seacoast Panda in Truffle (merino wool and bamboo)
Mods:Whole leg is shorter than the 9″ called for in the pattern. Crossed the cables every 6th instead of every 8th round–I liked this better. Did an Eye of Partridge rather than ribbed heel flap. I did do the Welsh heel turn (fun) and the Star Toe of 3 Points (pretty, but I hate the P3togs that pile up on each other at the end).
I got bogged down knitting these; I finished the first sock in early April and then didn’t want to knit the second straight away. This makes finishing “on time” difficult. For now I’ll work on piling up some more single socks, and then make the mates a little later. To that end, I have a single sock in some green Tofutsies:
I made the cuff shorter than usual as this yarn makes a nice warm weather sock. This time round I didn’t find it splittly like I did the first time. The stitch pattern is “Arrow” from Charlene Schurch’s Sensational Knitted Socks.
Of all the other socks I had started in my last post, only one other made the cut, another green sock in the Ringwood stitch pattern from Vintage Socks by Nancy Bush. I’m just using the stitch pattern, as the sock is sized in the book for a man. I love the Happy Forest Smooshy yarn from Dream in Color.
The above have been ripped. The top left was Sockittome from CTH, and the yarn was not nice; it felt very acrylicky–even though it wasn’t. I didn’t like holding it. The top right was a design idea that turned out to look stupid, and the bottom will soon be back on the needles but in a pattern that I can do some calf shaping with.
Meanwhile, I’ve picked out patterns for these gorgeous semi-solids: BMFA STR lightweight in Rose Quartz and Sundara Sock Yarn in Ember over Flame.
You’ll just have to wait to see what the patterns are. I might jinx it if I tell you before I’ve even cast on.
Perfect summer knitting – SOCKS!!!
I love the cables in the first one, and tho’ I don’t love green on me, that green yarn is scrumptious!!!
Such gorgeous yarn! Perfect!
These are beautiful. I have lots of trouble with 2nd sock syndrome. I usually knit both at the same time, but on different needles. I hate having two balls attached—klutzy.
Now however, I have defined a pair of socks as two socks knit from the same yarn—not necessarily the same pattern. This means I get to play with lots more patterns and have lots more fun. I recommend it.
Oh, the Panda Truffle socks are lovely!!
And hey, that seems a perfectly reasonable amount of time for knitting socks.
I actually finished a pair over the weekend – need to take pictures and post ’em Thursday.
So many sock lovelies makes me want to knit socks forever!
Brenda- You should show us your sock drawer some time.
Fab socks all around! I knit two at a time but on separate needles (so say, 10 rows or a repeat on one sock, then the same on the other), which helps to avert Second Sock Syndrome.
Alright, now I’m getting jealous of all your lovely socks and sock yarns. I really need to force myself to knit (and shelve all the cotton for the moment) so I can feel some luscious yarn again. Yours all looks so soft and smooshy, with fantastic colors!
Oh, how very pretty! I like.