Your recommendations please!
Over the years on the interwebs I’ve seen several of these book stacks, and they’ve always tickled me. I finally couldn’t resist making my own, as I have a bookish request to make.
As I like to explore the world of reading, I would like to try a couple of things that I have no experience in.
First, I would like to read a graphic novel–one written as a graphic novel, not a classic novel made into a graphic novel. As for sub-genre, perhaps fantasy or urban fantasy? Any readers of graphic novels, suggest away!
Second, I would like to read a “space opera.” But which to choose? Looking at online reviews of perfect strangers is next to useless, as opinions for any given book tend to be polar opposites: “the best/worst space opera ever written!” “the shallowest/most in-depth characters ever!” “most imaginative/boring world-building in fiction!”
Your suggestions please!
On the knitting front, I am planning on knitting the Tsunami Sock from Knitted Socks East and West by Judy Sumner. The pair in the book are knit in a perfect stormy grey. But a grey tsunami is not for me. The question is do I want an orange tsunami or a teal tsunami? Such a difficult decision!
Space opera is one of my favorite genres, so I’m trying to think of the best ones to suggest. _Foundation_ by Isaac Asimov is a classic and is also approachable at only about 200 pages. The same could be said for _Ender’s Game_ by Orson Scott Card. Two of my other favorites are quite large (one reason I like them), _A Fire Upon the Deep_ by Vernor Vinge is 600 pages, and my very favorite series starts with _Pandora’s Star_ by Peter F. Hamilton is about 800 pages and you *have* to read the next book after it (900 pgs) to feel satisfied
Brenda- How about an orange tsunami?
Oh, The Uses of Enchantment! I love that one! It was assigned reading in college (more than 20 years ago) and it’s still on my bookshelf.
A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge was a very good read. If you’d like to read an m/m space opera in which all sex occurs off-page, I highly recommend Knight Errant by K.D. Sarge – you can buy the ebook through Goodreads for a dollar or two. CJ Cherryh (sp?!) has some great space operay books, although names are escaping me. (I used to read a TON of scifi, but read virtually none now.)
Hmm. I don’t know much about graphic novels, but maybe the Sandman series? I can’t imagine going wrong with Neil Gaiman.
In the category of graphic novel, I recommend “The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite” (DarkHorse Publishing). But you’re a Davisite, right? Go downtown to Bizarro World and browse. There are entire wonderful worlds in there.
What you are really doing with those books is creating a Found Poem. It was the first writing lesson in my creative writing classes at Lourdes. We used things like titles with Blue in them or red. Also, you need to read Ursula LeGuin’s The Left Hand of Darkness.
As Found Poems, those stacks are even better. I have some of those same books! Love my Bruno Bettelheim and Georgette Heyer.
Eh, I’m no good on the graphic novels, unless they’re the old comic books. Space operas, hmmm. Old Man’s War by John Scalzi is good.
I love Guy Gavriel Kay’s fantasy/historical novels – especially “A Song for Arbonne” and “The Lions of Al-Rassan”. His earlier Fionavar trilogy is great, too. Happy knitting and reading.
Although I read a lot, I don’t have any books to recommend in your chosen categories.
I will say, though, that I love Georgette Heyer!
Our college chooses a campus-wide read every year and this year we’ve chosen a graphic novel, “Maus”. I admit I’m dragging my feet into the genre but my colleagues have responded enthusiastically to the selection. My son absolutely devoured the book.
Our household has been enjoying the Girl Genius series by the Foglios.
I don’t read graphic novels, I read manga. If you’d like to try this genre here are a few titles that are top notch.
“The Color of Heaven” by Kim Dong Hwa. It’s a coming of age story in a small Korean town a long time ago. A young girl falls in love for the first time, and as she grows up begins to see what’s going on around her.
“Ooku” by Fumi Yoshinaga. This is a what if story in the form of a plague that comes to feudal Japan killing 3/4’s of men and boys. The story revolves around the shoguns palace and how women now have to do the work once considered “men’s” work. Men now are treated like the rare commodity they are, they don’t work and are married off to the highest bidder. This one makes you think about gender roles and mores.
“After School Nightmare” by Setona Mizushiro. Ichijo is born intersexed. He is a boy on top and a girl below. His greatest fear is that someone will discover his secret. While he hides his true form, he realizes that something odd is going on in his school. And then one day he is invited to take part in a special after scool class, and the mystery gets going!
As for space opera’s? One can’t go wrong with the master Asimov.
Hey Brenda!
I like your book categories. I would choose ‘Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood’ for your graphic novel. (It’s about an Iranian girl growing up in the Islamic Revolution). And I second ‘A Fire Upon the Deep’ by Vernor Vinge. Let us know what you choose!
I second Ender’s Game, and also nominate Larry Nivens “Known Space” stories, particularly the Ringworld series.
Regarding graphic novels: can’t get into them. Love comic books, both newspaper strip collections and stand-alone stories. Call it a graphic novel, make the text too small and dense and the story too serious and it’s hard for me to maintain interest.