WIPs: now with 17% more texture!

Notre Dame de Grace in Cascade Ecological wool is in the final finishing stretch: seaming. That’s the completed collar and the first sleeve “pinned” to the body.
Notre Dame de Grace: seaming
Usually I finish one garment before starting another, but I had the desire to knit and not seam after work in the evenings, so the back of the Sebasco vest is completed in Wool of the Andes in claret. That’s daisy stitch (BW #1, p 153) along the bottom edge.
Sebasco: back
And I’m slowly working my way through Jared Flood’s Guernsey Wrap, which is knit and purl ’til you drop. How I like things!
Guernsey Wrap: WIP
The yarn is Quince and Co. Lark in Lupine. I love this yarn, the colors are fabulous, and the price is very good. I like it so much, I asked my parent’s for some for a sweater for Christmas last year.
Quince and Co. Lark: rosa rugosa
12 skeins of Lark in Rosa Rusgosa! I think this will become a Crane Creek cardigan just as soon as Sebasco is done. That pattern has texture too with a diamond brocade pattern and double moss stitch collar and bands.
Texture everywhere!

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