Anniversary Junket

M and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary on May 8. We drove to a nice hotel in Santa Rosa for the night and dinner. The next day, since Santa Rosa is adjacent to the Sonoma Valley and the Russian River area, we went to a couple of wineries. I didn’t take a lot of photos, but here are a few.
M enjoying our balcony.
M does not like extra, non-sleeping pillows on the bed. Fortunately, while we were at dinner, the maid turned down the covers, and stacked all these pillows in the corner. M would have thrown them off the bed in all directions: “They’re throw pillows.”
Dinner was very nice. You can’t see my chocolate truffle cake with salted caramel gelato because my water glass is in the way, but it was really good. M had the gelato trifecta: salted caramel, chocolate and vanilla.
There were lots of flowers at the hotel.
We saw some vineyards.
The winery had a fancy garden.
And another winery, Artesa, has quite the fountains. It is one of our favorite wineries.
It was a short trip, but we had a good time, and it was fun to take time off during the work week.

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