Back to Blogging!

Well, long time no blog post. Just over two years in fact. I got a new job (still a research scientist) and have been very busy. I’m still super busy, but I miss blogging, so I am going to make. it. work. Fingers crossed!

I’d like to show you all the few things I’ve knit, but I gave most of them away and without photos. But I have a new macro lens for our camera, and I have been taking photos in our garden. We are in stages moving to a lawn-free garden since green lawns in California make little sense even when we don’t have a drought. With our garden we are trying to attract bees and hummingbirds, and they seem to like it!
I am not afraid of bees, so I just sit still with my camera, and snap away. We have several different species visiting our flowers as soon as the sun is up.
I am knitting too! I have about 70 zillion WIPs right now, but I am nearing the finish on one that is turning out quite well. I saw a sample of Aranami by olgajazzy at Yarns on First in Napa last summer, and I was smitten. The sample was knit in Cascade 220 fingering, and the store had all the shades from white to black to knit the shawl.

I am almost done with the darkest grey, and then I have the black to knit. I like grey so much that for once I actually went with the color scheme on the pattern. This is a fun, easy modular project, but it is not for the knitter who hates weaving in ends.

Well, I hear the call of the needles and string, so I am off to knit a few rows.
Happy Knitting!
Glad to see you are blogging again… The shawl looks pretty and I still use the granola recipe you posted! Happy Knitting!
Welcome back! You popped into my head just a day or two ago, and I was happy to see your post. The shawl looks great so far! That’s a pattern I might like to try someday.
Nice job Brenda, I like the way you write and knit. Beautiful work!
Welcome back!! 🙂 I’ve missed you – it’s very good to see you again.
Oh, that shawl is very cool… And your macro photo! 😀
You’re back! I’d like to see more pictures of your yard, with and without yarn goods in the picture!
I’m glad you’re back – you were missed!
Thanks, Peggy!
I am glad you are blogging again, welcome back.