Lightweight Knitting

Lightweight Knitting

Well, I have not been keeping up with my plan to post 4 times a month, but there are extenuating circumstances.  I can’t reveal details at this time, but I can say two things.  First, there is a very good probability that several months before the end of this year I will be able to say that I have lived in 7 states in the U.S. not just 6.  Second, wishing M the best of luck in all his career endeavors would be a very nice comment to leave to this post.

As for knitting, my sore first knuckle of my right index finger is taking its own sweet time to heal completely. I’ve resprained it twice now, thinking it was all better when it was still feeling a bit piqued. Once was while knitting on the raspberry throw I started early in the year. It was just too heavy. So it is lightweight knitting for now. Luckily, it isn’t the process of knitting that causes pain just the weight of the knitting (and knitting too much through the backloop). I can knit the sleeves from my La Gran Cardi (if you want a visual refresher, it’s in the same post as the raspberry throw above), as mohair weighs practically nothing. I was certain I would have to make the sleeves shorter than the pattern specified, so I blocked the body pieces, seamed the shoulders and then tried it on. Making the sleeves exactly as the patter dictates will work just fine. My Tudor Grace scarf is done and blocked, but I haven’t been able to take a good picture of it on yet, so that will have to wait.

But I have been able to finish some socks. This is important, as my feet love handknit socks and hate purchased socks. Last winter I had to rely more on the latter than the former, and my feet decided to be drier, itchier, and colder. I finished the stockinette socks in CTH Champlain Sunset:
Champlain Sunset Socks left
I tried a cable pattern with this yarn first that were staggered rope cables with no purling between the ropes. It was too subtle for this busy colorway and not stretchy enough for socks. I tried something else too, but I can’t remember what, but the yarn finally convinced me it just wanted to be stockinette. In the end, I agree it was the best choice. Moving along, I also finished the Nodding Violet socks in STR medium weight.
Nodding Violet Socks right
I have these socks on as I write, and the medium weight STR will work in some of my shoes, but I think these will be best as I am wearing them now–with my fleece-lined slippers when my feet and ankles are like ice cubes. In addition to finishing these two pair, I have two single socks also completed: a Spring Monkey and a Gentleman’s Fancy Sock.
Spring Monkey Sock 1
Gentleman's Fancy Sock 1
I love everything about the Monkey sock: yarn, pattern, colors. I’ll definitely be knitting this pattern again. I have the second sock started. The Gentleman’s Fancy Sock, which I’ve slightly modified from Nancy Bush’s pattern in Vintage Socks, is more of a disappointment. The colors knit up aren’t as pretty as the yarn in the skein. The duller shades of grey-blue stick together and the more intense purple-blue is then left on its own. This remained consistent though the leg decreased from 72 to 64 stitches, and the foot has only 60 stitches. I’d like better mixing. Oh, well. I will knit the second sock, but not just yet. Since I feel a desperate need for blue socks, I started a Retro Rib Sock from Favorite Socks in Knit Picks Essential Tweed in Blue Ox. That is going much better.
Retro Rib Sock WIP
I also started a shawl in some stashed Sea Silk I had on hand, as I realized we are going to an evening wedding in June in the mountains by the ocean. But that will have to wait for another post. I should go clean out a closet of things that I don’t really want to take to a seventh state. M is at work; I can throw more things away when he isn’t around.

17 thoughts on “Lightweight Knitting”

  • Oooh what to comment on first. Ok – Congrats & Good Luck to M!

    The socks all look great. I’m particularly fond of the CTH socks. So colorful and simple!

  • Good luck to M! And I’m sending healthy thoughts to your poor knuckle.

    I do love the Nodding Violets socks – they look perfect to wear with Birkies.

  • Good luck, M, with your career endeavors!

    You have some pretty socks going! I’m glad they’re lightweight enough to still let you knit.

  • Very best wishes to M regarding career endeavors and to you both for the packing, etc.!

    I love all your socks. It is nice to have a drawer-full.

  • All the best wishes to M in his career opportunities! Whether or not you move, may you experience both satisfaction and meaning in your work.

    As for the fancy footwear, I don’t see what you’re talking about re: the Gentleman’s Fancy Sock. I’d take any one of them any day!

  • WOW – gorgeous socks! Love them all….and I’m so sorry to hear about your finger. Do take care, and yes, lightweight socks – that’s the ticket!!
    Now…I’m sending every good vibration I have towards M and all protential prospects that he (and you) would love!

  • Best of luck to M re/ career stuff! I laughed out loud when I read the bit about cleaning out a closet and throwing things out being easier when M isn’t around.
    The socks are all gorgeous – especially the Essential Tweed yarn.
    So…any hints about where the 7th state might be?

  • Love all the socks. They look great to me! I think maybe the Gentlemen’s Fancy sock didn’t photograph well because I don’t see the separations of color that you described. They look great to me!

  • All those socks! They look great. I’m not blogging either, but I’m hardly knitting at all.

    Anyway, best of luck to you on your new adventure with M!

  • Good luck to M. I hope you find the career that is perfect for you.

    Love the socks. That is one of my favorite colorways of CTH. I have some in my stash … somewhere.

  • Good luck to M! I wish you both all the best career-wise.

    What a wonderful selection of socks! I have to agree the monkey sock really is a stunner. I also agree that the CTH looks really good as a plain sock, so the colorway is really the focus.

    I do hope your knuckle heals soon!

  • Wishing the best to M with all the career endeavors! Best to both of you if big changes are on the horizon!

    …and I totally love your socks! so many great designs and colors 🙂

  • Well, good luck to M in his career endeavours!

    You are amazing when it comes to socks! And I love the 3rd colourway and design in particular.

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